mitronas | ABOUT US
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UAB Mitronas was founded in 1998 in Kaunas. The company renewed its activities in 2013 and changed its name to UAB MITRONAS Engineering. The main direction of activity of the company is automatic turning and milling, machine repair and maintenance.


The company specializes both in serial and mass production. 50 to 10000 units are produced in series, and over 50000 units in mass production. In addition to its main products, the company also produces non-standard elements for the machine industry, agricultural machinery, printing machinery, furniture, etc. These are various bolts, inserts, plugs, axles, flanges, bearing housings and other.


Production of parts is carried out using efficient technologies, tools and equipment. The

goal of our company is to produce products that meet the quality requirements and have the lowest possible costs of materials, energy, and labour, therefore we are able to offer high quality products at an affordable price. We work with reliable suppliers of materials in Lithuania and Germany. We process steel, stainless steel, aluminium, brass and technical plastics.


We cooperate with other companies that provide galvanic coating, nitro-carbonisation and tempering services, therefore we are able to offer fully finished products for our customers.


Quality control is carried out during the production process and repeated after production is complete. We use only Mitutoyo measuring instruments and equipment in order to ensure high quality. 3D modelling software Solidworks 2017 is used for modelling products and programming equipment

Detalių tekinimas – video


To be a reliable partner for those who are seeking the best results, and to become one of the leaders in the automatic lathe subcontracting market in Lithuania.


We strive to provide our customers with the most optimal component production solutions and service in both local and international markets.


We listed to our customers, share our knowledge with them and strive to fully meet their needs and expectations. We provide our customers with individual offers and service packages ensuring maximum reliability. Our aim is to provide high quality works on time and at the best price possible.